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Happy New Year! Welcome to my Blog Launch!

Hi Guys!

Welcome to my Blog and thanks so much for stopping by. I am thrilled to kick of this New Year by relaunching my blog.

I would like to start off by telling you a little bit about myself. I live in New York City with my family and I have two daughters 10 and 13, a husband who I have been married to for the past 18 years and we have a beautiful golden retriever named Sasha who I adore. I added some pictures below for you. Both of these pictures are taken in Normandy Beach, NJ where I spend my summer weekends & vacations.

I am a pretty busy person and I manage a lot of different things like working full time in the financial services industry as a sales person, creating art and continuing to evolve my art & art career, I manage and operate an ETSY shop called "A Girl From Tribeca" and most importantly, I am a mom & wife managing a thriving household with growing kids involved with lots of activities.

I decided to start writing a blog to share my thoughts and experiences as they relate to art, business, lifestyle and really everything in between.

Since my blog is placed on my fine art website, I have added categories to steer you to the topics you are most interested in. I would like to kick things off but giving you an idea of what I have been working on from an artistic standpoint.

I have always loved to paint with acrylics on canvas and I tend to work best and most freely on very large canvases. However, since we live in NYC and space is tight, I really have run out of storage space for my canvases. Since technology has evolved so much over the last few years, I have transitioned to doing a lot of work on my IPAD Pro using an Apple Pen which I love! By the way, you can only use the Apple Pen with the Pro version of IPAD so I had to upgrade to this when I started with the pen.

There are two applications on the IPAD that I am drawn to the most. One is IDraw and the other is Procreate. I like IDraw beacuse its easy to use and I like the layering you can do and the built in shapes it offers. Procreate allows you to switch between sketching with pencils or pastels to inking with markers to spray painting and really offers tons of options on the mediums you can use. I will actually take a piece of artwork that I create in IDraw and upload into Procreate to add something and then take the drawing back into IDraw. This allows me to use different effects.

I love working on my IPAD Pro because I can do this on the subway as I commute to work, at the kids practices while I am waiting for them and really anywhere. I also like to listen to books on audible and I have found that i can draw at the same time which is really great because it allows me to multitask.

Here is a picture of my most recent drawing:

What's great about digital drawing is that it is easy to find a partner to work with who can print, frame and ship drawings out to your customers. I use a partner called Printful who offer great prices and have a website that is very easy to use.

In case you have interest, here is a link to my ETSY shop where you will see products with my art incorporated into them.

Well that's all from me right now and if you have any questions or want to chat with me, please use my contact page and I will get right back to you.

All the best and Happy New Year!!!


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